Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hi again

Hey, it's the prodigal compulsive overeater. I'm not doing so well right now. I'm eating fairly well. Not being compulsive for the most part. But I feel very fat. That's always the hardest part for me. I just want to be thin and I feel so gross. I went to a wedding this past weekend, and I bought a really pretty dress, and I felt so pretty in it but when I saw pictures of myself I saw that I wasn't pretty at all. I looked like an ugly girl in a pretty dress.

I can't afford to see a psychiatrist, which I desperately need to do. And I can't seem to motivate myself to go to the gym, which I should also do. I work 9-10 hours a day, and by the time I get home the last thing I want to do is get into a pair of shorts and sneakers and hit the treadmill.

So, I'm depressed, I feel fat, I feel ugly and I have no motivation. I've been trying to pray more, but all I can think when I do that is that I'm talking to myself or to a giant black hole of nothingness. I am sad.

I'm going to an OA meeting tonight, and that usually makes me feel better. But oftentimes I don't say what I'm really feeling because I know I'll end up crying. As open and welcoming as an OA meeting is, I don't want to cry in front of a room full of strangers. Sigh.

I've also been dreaming about my dad a lot. A few nights ago I dreamed that he had a heart attack several floors into a subway system and I had no cell service so I couldn't call 911, and by the time I reached the surface he had died.

Last night I dreamed that he came to visit me in Silver Spring and I showed him my new apartment. In my dream he wasn't having much trouble walking and we were getting along...two things that pretty much never happen.

I feel this is a sign of some kind, but I'm not sure what. I tend to believe that our dreams reveal things to us from our subconscious that we have trouble seeing while awake. But I also believe that they can just represent those things that are on our mind the most at any given moment, and my dad has been on my mind a lot lately. He's been very present in my Step 9 work, especially since I'm having a lot of trouble accepting the fact that I should apologize to him.

In any case, that's it. Maybe I'll blog more now.


  1. Hi Laura. My name is Roger and I am a compulsive overeater. That is the first time I have admitted that. I have been to only one meeting and am trying to decide if OA is the right program for me.

    Your post is so full of ups and downs, I hope you can work through the things that are troubling you.

    I know how you feel about see images of yourself that don't match what you see in your head. I recently gave my daughter in marriage to a nice guy at a wonderful wedding. And when I saw the pictures of me and her (she is a bird) I wondered "who the heck is the bald fat guy giving my daughter away?" It wasn't the image I have of myself. That more than anything is why I am looking to OA as a way to fight this addiction.

    Thanks for your post - it does help.

  2. Hi Laura, I just read your post, I was looking for a blog where I could chat with someone about this issue. Unfortunately see that you have not post for 2 years. :-( oh well


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